Saturday, 18 May 2013

Max Pam

This week’s lecture = Boobs and Thailand

Unfortunately, Boobs and Thailand seems to be the main points that pop right back into my head when I think about the photographer Max Pam. Not to say that Pam only takes images of these two things as I am unfamiliar with his works, but his latest books seems to do justice in portraying an average anlgo saxon man’s trip to exotic South East Asia.

Sitting here in front of the computer trying to figure out what exactly Pam was trying to convey in his lecture is an interesting task. Based on my previous experiences of writing these weekly blogs, I begin by trying to understand the back story of why exactly the artist/lecturer create such works and what draws on their inspiration. However, it is a change to notice that I cannot decipher Pam’s intentions. My note pad is empty as I found myself extremely engaged in his never ending stories about his multiple trips abroad. However, it is a shame but the question this week would be if I even consider this art or photography.

Based on Pam’s experiences through creating art, it is difficult to critique the credibility of his art as a second year art student. Looking back at the images that Pam showed us during the lecture, it was easy to relate to these as these were images that I have seen before, just not at galleries but instead Instagram. Instagram is a tool features on new smartphones that allow the user to snap images whenever of whatever the feel like, which seems to be exactly what Pam has done so here. Although these images spread across a few decades, it is a shame to know that Pam was created the typical Instagram aesthetic before Instagram. Perhaps Pam had made the mistake of revealing these hidden works too late, there is no longer that wow or shock factor that Pam had described, and we have all seen it before.

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